i spoke to fresher earlier on facebook an he wanted an update from ausstin, as if ads picture update wasnt enough. its well hot, everybody has sunburn, ive been drunk every night for at least 5 nights, ive pulled at least 1 ugly girl so i could stay in her bed rather than the floor of the apartment, bora has been playing 2 well fit girls, an for some reason, even though they have met each other twice, has managed to get away with it, which is why i'm able to do this as he isnt here an i'm on his mac. saw 'this will destroy you' earlier and it was amazing, the girls over here are super hot and apprently katie perry is gping to play so i'm defo going to bang her. the levis tent gives out free t's so that means i dont have to wash any clothes an rick ro$$ is playing so basically i'm a g, also i shot my 1st 9mm handgun, io wasnt very good an some bloke had a full on sniper rifle.